Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Back on my Feet!
Just over 4 mi., 300′, 40 min.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
1st Wedding Anniversary Ride
Day 1. 44 miles, 7660′ climbing. Blowing Rock to Little Switzerland:
Day 2. 54 miles, 11,000′ climbing (12,4′ descending) Little Switzerland to Asheville:
Erinna, Day 1, before the rain started: (click to see until -> goes away)
On Day 1 we saw many of these signs, but NOT many of the views they advertised:
The Linville Viaduct, a place with Wever family history:
After those photos the day got so intense…. Rain… Fog with less than 100′ visibility… traffic… but morale was incredibly high. We were having a great time despite the conditions.
We stayed at the Switzerland Inn, in one of the A frames. I definitely recommend staying here:
Erinna is a badass (She’s pretty damn cute, too). She carried a bottle of wine for us from Blowing Rock to Little Switzerland. Wine in styro cups in the A frame:
The new WaltWorks bike she was riding is badass, too.
Day 2 we woke up to a temps in the 40’s, blue skies, and ominous clouds. For now, a sampling of the views from Day 2:
Monday, April 14, 2008
On the (road) bike again!
Just under 29 miles with 4250 feet of climbing.
The Multibeast, still kickin’ after 10 years:
The weather was sunny and in the 50’s when I left Asheville. Who would have guessed I’d be descending Town Mountain in a SNOWSHOWER?!?!?
I felt pretty good considering the time off the bike. I did have to stop on the final grunt to the top of Town Mountain to catch my breath and to zip up. In the end the two hour ride took my about 2:10. I’m O.K. with that!